With the new school year right around the corner and new executive boards for fraternities across the country ready to start their year in charge, I thought it would be an ideal time to tell all those new fraternity presidents out there what to expect from a former president.
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Topics: New Year's Trip, Covid-19, Masks, Alcohol, This is college, Party, twitch, callofduty, PS4, NBA, Kappa Sigma, Sorority, college, Fraternity, President, Eboard, Greeklife
Trying to plan a trip for you and your friends but don't know where to start? We're here to help ease that anxiety away. New Years comes but once a year so sit back and see how easy it is to plan a New Year's trip in 5 easy steps.
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Topics: New Year's Eve, New Year's Trip, 5 Easy Steps to Plan a Trip, New Year's