Well the time has arrived. We have officially launched our This Is College Podcasts. And I personally couldn't be more excited. These podcasts are filled with some of the goooniest people in my life. Quite honestly there are no other people in this world that i would want to embark on this journey with. These three podcasts are filled with laughter and memories from our college experience in the eyes of three different generations of our fraternity in college. To give you an idea of what our fraternity was like. Picture the movie Animal house. We were those guys on campus…. Well technically off campus for most of the time. Because we really didn't know how to act. Or did we? We were the best time and gave ZERO Fucks. We threw the craziest parties, and didn't really think about rules before making any decisions. Which resulted in some of the most iconic college memories.

The first podcast dropping every Wednesday is “The Good Guys Podcast” Hosted by yours truly Myself (Middle) ,RJ (Right) ,and Hugo (Left). This podcast is filled with jokes and usually hugo and I going back and forth making fat jokes about each other. And rj keeping us on track. Rj and I Being Co-Owners of This Is College and The ICONIC Dj Duo The Good Guys decided to bring back our podcast after horribly failing the first one we started back in 2018. We wanted to add a third host to the show and knew without a doubt who we wanted that person to be. It was a very easy choice we knew no one would be better than our manager Hugo. He has been through the best and worst of times with us and knows all our dirty little secrets. Hugo is also in my fraternity and is actually one of the OGs, a founding father of our ICONIC fraternity. He truly has seen it all. And knows all the stories. In this podcast we talk about current events, music, partying, strippers, drugs, throwing events, Djing, touring, and many many more. We hope you guys join us for some laughs every Wednesday.

The second Podcast dropping every Thursday is “Frat Patio” Hosted By Luke, Devin And Justin. These three guys are just finishing up their college days and have some hilarious stories from their time in our fraternity. They joined our fraternity at a time where hope was being lost by many brothers and people at our college that we wouldn't be able to continue having our fraternity. Getting in trouble so many times put our fraternity in a nearly impossible position to get back on campus. But these guys turned the fraternity into the largest growing on campus and kept our legacy alive. These guys right here are the Fucking goats and have some hilarious stories from there experience living in the fraternity house, College Life, Frat life,and many more. Make sure to check them out every Thursday.
The Third Podcast dropping every Friday is “Staying Positive Testing Negative” Hosted by Shane and Eddie. Shane and Eddie are two founding fathers of our ICONIC Fraternity living their graduation years on the West Coast in San Diego California. These two have some hilarious stories from their college days, their current life living in the west coast partying their asses off, their travels and sooooo much more. If you're looking for a laugh check them out Every Friday.