To all you sister-swillin’, cousin kissin’, backwoods blowjobbers who have the audacity to go out in public with a medical mask, BUT dangle said mask below your chin –
Dan (AKA Fuck This Guy)

Dan – Boston, Mass.
I loved college so much I did it twice. I got my BFA from Columbus State University and now I’m at Boston University finishing up my MFA.
I went to undergrad on a theatre scholarship. Joined a fraternity. To my fraternity brothers, I was the theatre kid; to the theatre kids I was the frat guy. They were both half right.
My brothers came to all my plays. They sat and spat chew in the front row of every show. Most of ‘em have kids now – It’s fucking weird. Then again, all of us openly objected to condoms and were on the ‘push and pray’ method, so kids shouldn’t be too much of a surprise.
But just to be fair – the theatre kids partied harder.
I can say in the six plus years of college life I’ve made a lot of good memories that I can’t remember.
I’m a sports writer, but I’m also a playwright. I’m a screenwriter, but I’m also a beer drinking, cigar smoking, fantasy football obsessing, self-proclaimed psychopath who has a secret love for musicals, mosh pits and unnecessary violence.
I’ve been an actor, a hockey coach, a telesales rep, a professional skate sharpener, and even a college creative writing professor… But at the end of the day I’m a storyteller. It’s really what I’m good for.
I have strong opinions. And I tell myself that I’ve earned my opinions. And I appreciate that ‘This Is College’ has given me a platform to lean into those opinions and speak my mind candidly.
So, with all that said, let’s have a good time, shall we?